Department of Health
Commissioner: Dianne Mandernach
Department ofHealth Web Site
Phone: (651)201-5000To: Governor Tim Pawlenty &Diane Mandernach
Pic's of Defdt.Marcia Moermond Obesity -Andy Dawkins Forensic Evidence
2006 Council Minutes and Agendas
Housing and Redevelopment Authority | June 13, 2007 | 01h 02m | Agenda | Video Open Video Only in Windows Media Player | |
City Council Meeting | June 13, 2007 | 00h 31m | Agenda | Video Open Video Only in Windows Media Player | |
Ad Hoc Legislative Agenda Committee | June 13, 2007 | 00h 56m | Agenda | Video Open Video Only in Windows Media Player | |
City Council Meeting | June 6, 2007 | 04h 33m | Agenda | Video |
Sharon Anderson Sun. 17Jun07 & Bill Dahn
Submitted in Good Faith for Public Health and Policy Matters:
1. How many Sick/convicted criminals/RICO charged
employees in the City of St. Paul? technically conspiracy
to commit/inflict Pain, Suffering, Intentional Infliction
Emotional Stress triggering Conspiracy to Commit Murder
for Pecuniary gain.?
Whistleblowers-Troubleshooters Sharon & Bill
allege Defendants: Marcia Moermond, Steve Magner, Steve Schneider, Dick Lippert,
Joel Essling,Harold Robinson, Steve Schneider, Convicted Fireman
Dino Gearin, Charged Aaron Foster et al.on payroll.?
Investigate Marcia Moermond, and her inside job with the City of St.Paul.
Department Safety Inspections Director Bob Kessler
Count Me in on this one.
Please list Bill Dahn as a "Trouble Shooter"
Marcia Moermond hearing officer:apparently has a
compulsive eating disorder, that would cause weight problem
contrary to
also apparantly
Dave Thune is allowing town homes on polluted land in ward 2.
Otto and 7th St.
Stryker and Elizabeth Streets
St,Paul Police Impound Lot.
The Old Kaplan's on Shephard Rd. and on University Ave. St.Paul.
We have all this pollution land in Ward 2 that Thune allows.
As Whistleblower & Troubleshooter We cannot have this Health Matters.
/ Bill Dahn
VOTE "Bill Dahn" City Council Ward 2
PO Box 7417
St. Paul, MN. 55107
VOTE "Bill Dahn" City Council Ward 2
PO Box 7417
St. Paul, MN. 55107
Ms. Marcia Moermond in a "patterened enterprise" of "taking" propertys without legal authority, June 11, 2007 1,025 buildings.Vacant Buildings as of June 11, 2007 Code Enforcement Click here: Rule against perpetuities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, without Just compensation, guise of Health Codes?
Bill Dahn with your permission may *I set up a blog called to correlate with the sicko awards of
COUNT I.MS147.081PracMed-License
1. Jointly, severally, we must notify the State Health Department
of the Compulisive Eating disorders of Ms. Marcia Moermond ht. 5ft2in. weight 350 lbs white female, with butch haircut, apparent criminal acts to displace persons in their Homestead and Housing Rights without Quiet Titles, elderly persons ie: City Agenda Wed.6June07 defendant Andy Dawkins" on cable TV 18, waving a check for $7,000.00 an elderly couple, stating another $9 thous in the Wells Fargo Bank.a. Defendant Dawkins lawyer in that criminal action stated" xxx were under pysch(sp) care of Dr. McCafferty. techinally Marcia Moermond with her Compulsive Disorder, criminally acting in concort to condemn 9xx Hampden.
2. Further Marcia Moermond apparantly acting as a Judicial Officer,under the guise or color of City Council Authority, without proper qualifications, license to practice law, give legal opinions. 42 USC 3631 , Constitutional , JURISDICTIONAL violations,HER Mental & Psychical Issue
must be addressed.
COUNT IIIMS 609.51SimulatingLegProcess
MS 609.39 Misprison Treason are self explainatory cc: to County Attorney for Criminal RICO Prosecutions of 1,025 vacant bldgs.
THEREFORE: Bill it is our Duty to warn the Federal, State, County and City Authoritys of the suspected Physical and Mental Illness of Ms. Marcia Moermond
FURTHER: To the State & Federal authoritys, are you aware that Marcia Moermond is a defendant in the pending RICWatchdog2007O litigations?
also at
Health related matters with the
THEREFORE: This Forensic evidence, letters are submitted
for the Health, Safety, Welfare of the Citizens of St. Paul
that Marcia Moermond be immediately under Doctors care,
that all 1,025 vacant buildings are removed to the State
Authoritys for Quiet Titles, Just Compensation.
Full Audit of the mail fraud, charging over $240.00
pr hour excessive consumption fees against the citizenery.
42USC Fair Housing Bill Dahn,Political Races Bill Dahn, Homestead Rip Off 1
2nd City of Saint Paul RICO Lawsuit - Watchdog News
SHARON-MN-ECF: Judges-Greylord-Libby-Guilty Sharon4Council
SHARON-MN-ECF: FOIA-06cv-PERMISSION TO INVESTIGAGE,COPY,CIRCULATE Sharon-Minnesota Sharon-E-Dem CobraShar:aka SharonsBriefs MinnesotaMortgageMassacre
/s/ t Sharon-AndersonI Alice Krengel Cheryl Hilyar Bill Dahn AndersonAdvSharonScarrellaAnderson Candidate profile Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefsocatesBlog elfx:651-776-5835-P165913sa1299: Legal Eagle SharonAnderson Cpl James R. Anderson USMC 11022885
Senior Queen 2007 Winter-Carnival
Sharons_LeSeurs: Sharons Strength,Soul,with Sisters LeSeurs SharonScarrellaAnderson
Sharons E_ServiceBlog Legal Eagle SharonAnderson Eminent Domain takings
Bio for Sharon Anderson Sharon4Anderson's Legal BlogBriefs Vision America: 2006 VOTE SHARON ANDERSON ATTORNEY GENERAL US v Cruikshank92US542(1875)Decend to Particulars Olmstead v. US GovLawbreaker
OIC SharonScarrellaAndersonUSBriefs - Buzznet Photo Sharing Community 1058SummitSharonLegalDomicile
andersonadvocat - Buzznet Photo Sharing Community
VA Widow's redress US Dist. Court Ann Montgomery when JR was at Brainard for 1 andersonadvocat - Buzznet Photo Sharing Community Salute The Troops& Cpl. James R. Anderson USMC:11028855 USCAVC Docket 03-0639 Sharon L. Anderson
Bull : Events WHISTLEBLOWER TITLE 31 BILLDAHN V.JESSIEVENTURA - Buzznet Photo Sharing Commun
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